Our Event Hosts
Meet the fabulous mums who host our events!

Barbara and her long waited 9 month old baby girl. She loves birthdays and organising surprises for her friends. If there is watermelon around be careful because she will eat it all.
Harriet is a mum of two girls who are aged 8 months and 3 and lives in Surbiton. She works as a copywriter and loves to spend time with her daughters, travel, go to yoga and enjoy the occasional glass of rosé.

Lexie is a mum to two boys, living in the Guildford area. Before becoming a doula, she spent over 10 years working as a professional nanny in Australia. Her first baby was born in Australia during the lockdowns, before she moved back to the UK to have her second son 2 and a half years later.

Sandra is a mum to a 4 year old daughter with another one on the way and has spent over 15 years working in Education as a teacher and head teacher then running her own business as an Education consultant and Early years expert. She loves to socialise with friends and has a slight obsession with afternoon tea!

After 20 years of working with children, she decided to have a couple of her own and is now mummy to a 4 year old and a 6 month old. When not trying to keep up with the tinies, she can be found chasing her tiger-striped lurcher around West London