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Baby Talk X Fenwick X Bobbi Brown

Thursday 24 October, 10.00am

1 h 30 min
26 British pounds
Kingston - Fenwick

Service Description

Join us at Fenwick for Brunch with your Baby... We have partnered with Fenwick to explore all that this designer department store has to offer - from beauty, to fashion, to all things baby and toys. Each event will see different brands from within the store be joining us to provide you with goodys and experiences at brunch. Tickets for our October event include: - A space for you and your little one to meet new friends - Brunch with a drink (our menu will be sent to you in advance for pre-orders) - Bobbi Brown will be joining us to provide a 30 min masterclass where they will be recreating their “Look Less Tired” look with some additional steps to create an easy up and ready to go Mummy day to day look. Bobbi Brown welcome all attendees onto counter to receive a 1-2-1 consultation - Goody bags with treats from a selection of Fenwick brands See you there

Contact Details

  • Fenwick Kingston, Wood Street, Kingston upon Thames, UK

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